Specials & Discounts

Guidelines for Redeeming Your Tutoring Specials

  1. New Clients:
    These special rates are available exclusively for new clients who are joining our tutoring programs for the first time.

  2. Current Clients:
    If you're an existing client, you can add sessions to your weekly schedule at the special discounted rate. However, please note that this offer cannot be used to convert any of your current sessions to the discounted price. It's a great way to boost your child’s progress with additional tutoring support!

  3. Scheduling & Availability:

    • For individual Spanish sessions, choose from the available time slots:

      • Tuesday: 4 PM & 7 PM

      • Wednesday: 4 PM & 7 PM

      • Thursday: 4 PM & 7 PM

    • For Study Success Squad, group (English & Math) sessions are offered on:

      • Monday at 6 PM (4th-5th grade & 9th-10th grade)

      • Tuesday at 6 PM (4th-5th grade)

  4. Sign-up Deadline & Pricing Lock-In:

    • All sign-ups must be completed by December 1st, 2024, at 11:59 PM.

    • Lock in these discounted prices from now until February 10th, 2024. After February 10th, standard pricing will apply.

  5. Cancellation Policy:
    If you need to cancel your subscription before the February 10th end date, please provide a 4-week notice for cancellation.